
Discover the vertical world

Vertical Freedom – discover the freedom of the vertical

Mountain sports are our origin, but our passion goes beyond that. Freedom in vertical movement takes place in sports, but also in working at heights and in tree care. We use synergies so that our products benefit from our development work in all areas.

In search of new solutions, we think ”out of the box” and leave well-trodden paths in favor of the best results: safe, innovative, sustainable, lightweight products.

Free movement in the vertical? Vertical Freedom? What does that actually mean? Of course, we have also dealt intensively with these questions… and also invited our athletes and partners to tell us how they experience Vertical Freedom.

Our Professional products are designed for the specific challenges of industrial climbing, arboriculture and height rescue. Here you will find products for the areas of Work Safety, Adventure Parks and Customer Solutions. Commercial users will also find high-quality PPE products that have been specially developed for use in the respective segment. We are the ideal companion when it comes to ropes, harnesses, helmets, braids or hard goods.

Our innovative strength and our quality thinking are the breeding ground for steady and healthy growth. Our credo of innovation and safety drives us to top performance and allows us to develop ever new creative technologies together. In the search for new solutions, we think ”out of the box” and leave well-trodden paths in favour of the best results. New products, such as our short-circuit-proof belt energy absorbers, increase safety and ensure that old knowledge is reconsidered. We improve on proven products where it makes sense and is sustainable: for our Bulletproof karabiners, we use steel where early wear from rope abrasion or the emergence of sharp edges must be prevented. This extends the service life of the hardware and rope and at the same time increases safety for the user. We are also leading the way in digitalisation: with GEAR PILOT, we have developed a comprehensive tool for the registration, management and testing of PPE products.

Whether bouldering, in the climbing gym or on the mountain, our sport offers us a variety of exciting activities. We produce specific equipment for the different requirements.

Sports climbing
We have been on the path of sustainability for many years now and would like to pursue this consistently. With our high-quality sport climbing equipment, the athlete and his safety is always in focus. We combine our claim to innovation and sustainability in all our products, not just for the discerning sport climber.

Climbing in the hall is no longer a marginal sport. With fun, regardless of the weather. Not least because of that we are a competent complete partner in terms of indoor climbing equipment. From the innovative anchor systems to dedicated ropes for climbing gyms to a PPE app, everything comes from one source.

When it comes to the development of new equipment for alpin sports, we learn from the best in their field. Day by day our top athletes go beyond their boundaries. And it is their passion that inspires us to also strive for top performance in product development. The result is our field proven product range, that is made for highest demands and harshest conditions.

Via Ferrata
Via ferratas are very much in vogue. But with the boom, so are the risks. Aware of our responsibility, we are constantly developing products that make misuse almost impossible without forgetting the comfort and fun of climbing. With probably one of the most innovative via ferrata sets on the market, we stand by our claim.


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